Uppáhalds kristilegu myndirnar mínar

1. Passion of the Christ

2. The Shack

3. War Room

4 Heaven is for Real

5. Hackshaw Rigde

6. Fireproof

7. God´s Not Dead 1-2

8. Left Behind series

9. Jerusalem Countdown

10. Facing the giants

11. Joseph: King of Dreams

12. Narnia

13. Sin Eater

14. The Green Mile

15. Time Changer

16. Revelation Road

17. The Omega Code

18. China Cry

19. The Miracle Maker

20. Son of God

21. The Climb

22. The Gospel of John

23. Apostle Paul

24. The Mark

25. The Perfect Stranger

26. Amazing Grace

27. Faith like Potatoes

28. Pilgrim's Progres

29. No greater love

30. Apostle Peter

31. Exodus: Gods and Kings

32. Holy Ghost

33. Machine Gun Preacher

34. Captive

35. Risen

36. Superbook

37. Samson 

38. The Bible: Mini Series

39. Krossinn og Hnífsblaðið

40. Ben Hur (2016)

41. Hells Bells: The Dangers of Rock N Roll

42. Veggie Tales

43. Beyond the mask

44. Rapture: The Final

45. The Case for a Creator

46. The Case For Christ

47. Miracles from Heaven

48. Tribulation

49. Encounter

50. Lay it Down


það er hellingur af myndum sem ég á eftir að sjá, og því gæti þessi listi breyst eitthvað.

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